torstai 12. heinäkuuta 2007


So last night went to quite late. I go to sleep about 4.30am cause of railing "Ziigmund" @ FTP and also railing WSOP day 2b. Gus is doing great and hope he manage well.
I was also watching lots of different results at Notice that David Benyamine is up for over 2milj.$ in PLO -games, but over 2milj.$ down in HoldEm. Little suprise for me.
"LarsLuzak" doesnt get opponents in HoldEm so much in FTP or Prima. He have played Omaha also which suprise me a little bit. He is OK in PLO but I think he doesnt have a anykind of edge vs. Sahamies, Benyamine etc.
Woke up today about 3.45pm and open naturaly FTP before open my eyes. I saw 10+1 tournament for 90 people. Few seats was left and I decide to go playing that. Andy Bloch, FTP pro was also in that tournament and some point he was same table with me. I start pretty good increasing my stack over 4k soon (we start 3k). Then about after 15 hands of play, tables were moved and in my new table, on my left was "Luigi66639". I said el oh el DONKAMENTS, what a wannabe. It turns out that he was pretty good player thought. Critical moment in my tournament was when I was holding KTs (my fav hand!) in middle position and one guy limp allready in early position. I decide to limp and Luigi limp also. BB check and 4 player action going on. Flop was K6K and they check to me. I bet 250 in 400 pot and Luigi just made minumum raise. Everybody else folds. I was putting him on a good K, like AK, or KQ. Anyway I called and turn was 7. Not good for me. I check and he fired ridicilous 400 and I called again. River was J which not improved my hand at all. He was all-in and that cost all my chips if I decide to call. I was thinking does he have K9, K8 sum like that. Maybe pocket pair 66 or 77. No way he isnt holding QQ, TT, or 99. I fold and said on chat that I had King. He said "nice fold, had 6 6". Nice laydown Wool, but my stack was only 2,8k when avarage was 3,4k or something. Soon blinds were high enough and just folding and folding cause I didnt get any good hands. Finally I put my last 700 chips in 2k pot when board was QK3 8 K. Opponent call and I show K7, he show K9. GG.
Then I played little bit PLO and lost 12$ in 15min of playing. Not a good start in day but comoon, day has just started. :)

Couple of my friends ask me to go dinner & drinking tonight but doesnt no yet if im gonna do that. Food sounds good and of course one beer sounds also good but not more than that for me. Maybe in weekend.

I come back in night for sure.


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