lauantai 11. elokuuta 2007

I made it!

Today at 10pm I have my first ever FTOPS event. Event is Pot-limit omaha buy-in $500+$30. Yesterday.. Well actually this morning I played that satellite and made it to the best 39. When we have like 45 players left in tournaments, it really got slow. All shortstacks were just spending time. In my table there were some guy name cobra who was shortstack. He was nice guy but he didnt make it. After all 39 players had left, I just pushed and going get some sleep.

Last nights tournament, I was playing pretty good poker. Not big risks and not big mistakes. I was above avarage nearly hole tournament.

Today there are lots of pros and excellent players with me and gotta play pretty tight in early. Good to see though that I am pretty confident today. Watching premier league and chatting with friends.

Wish me good luck!



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