maanantai 17. syyskuuta 2007


So I won some money from first WCOOP event. Im one of best 400 hunder NLHE shorthanded online players in the world! Whippieeee!!! When it was near my money, I had so cold deck for a long time that it was sooo close to get even money. I push with QJ on my last chips and get 3 calls! I was saying goodbye untill flop was J-high no possible draws and all guys are checking. Turn and river were blancos so I won and I was back in the game.
I was in good mood and reach my stack to 24k before getting eliminated. I raise with QJspades and got one caller. Flop was T99 and I bet. Opponent calls and turn is 8. I bet and he raise me all-in and I call. He shows QT and river is 9 so he gets hes full house. Pretty sick ending but getting money from that tourney is great for me.

I pass that event 3 PLO tournament cause I thought I was dead money cause I was so tired for whole day. Im pretty good mood right now and maybe I should play one more event.
Also gotta mention this, I won $800 pot in saturday. AAds in Omaha. I re-raised in BB and two guys called. Flop were 832 and I push. Shortstack calls and other guy pushes. I call and villain 2 shows 4556 so he has big time wrap. Shortstack villain shows KK and some carbage. Turn was deuce and river was some other blanco, so I won with AA.

So its been pretty good days for me and hope I will continue playing good. I also withdraw over $1k so I can spend money with some stupidity. Example I bought new phone last week. Nokia 6330 I think. Or something like that.


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