torstai 6. syyskuuta 2007

Two sick hands

Two pretty fking sick hands.

First hand. Holden NL HU $2/$4. I have about 200$ and villain has max buy-in (I started with 120$). I have A9s in button and I raise standard, he raise on top (he had doing a lot of that) and I called. Flop was AT3 with two hearts and he checked. I bet about $35 in to a over $50 pot he call. Turn is 4 and he check-call me again. River is 7 and he push. I put finger in my mouth but just couldnt figured what he had. Heart didnt came and I thought he prob missdraw. I call and he shows A7. Pot was 400$.

Second hand. Omaha PL 6-handed $1/$2. I have QQds (diamond & heart) and called on a four-way-pot. Pot was $20 in flop. Flop was Q32 (no flushdraws) and original raiser bet $16. I smooth call that and other guy also. Turn is 9h what gives a flushdraw for me also. Original raiser bets again and I push. Other guy folds and villain calls after thinking a lot. He show AAKJ no flushdraws and river is of course A on a 170$ pot.



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