perjantai 13. heinäkuuta 2007


My nick back in the old days in some poker site was FucKingAce. Thats all for off-topic.
I just played sit & go tournament and now im so pissed off. I was chiplead hole time and I just dominated that tournaments. Was pushing shortstacks and made some great bluffs. Then my stack is something like 6k and we have only 4 left so bubble is on. Second one in chips has little less than 4k and he raise minumum. I put little more and he calls. Flop is pretty awasome for me. Rainbow 28J and he check push me. I though he had AJ, KJ or sum like that but no! He has freaking JJ!!! SO SICKOOO! I did get to the money but I was eliminated by 3rd place. That was just so sick.
I got buy-in x2 back so + profit tournament. Also won something on heads up omaha match vs. some guy.

Now im going to eat and then I take little nap before going to hang out with my pals.

See ya,

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