tiistai 24. heinäkuuta 2007

Bad day

I start this morning on playing excellent poker and I was sum like 50$ up quikly. Then I go to table where Huck Seed was and I started playing in there. First Huck outdraw me on river and I made bad call after that. Big pot from him. Very next hand I crack his AA by hand 67T9 ds. I flop set of sixes. Few hands after that I had Jd Kh Qc Ac in button and I bet pot. Only Huck called and flop was pretty good for me. 8c 2s Jc. Huck bet to pot and I raise a pot. He moves me all-in and of course im call. He shows hes hand, 8d Js 5d 7h! OMG_what_a_fish! Turn was Jh and river was 7h. Huck took that 90$ pot. He wasnt really that good player then I thought and I maybe should had take more money in table after that and play against him. I was steaming so maybe it was good thing to leave in stage.
Couple hours ago I start my night session and so far it has been rollercoaster. Fifteen minutes ago I got busted in FTOPS satellite. I moved raise all-in in KJ on J-high flop and fish calls with QJ and get Q from river. So sick! So I am steaming right now also... Gotta quit from today.
Tomorrow if weather is good I go to beach but in evening poker is running for sure! Till then...


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