Sorry that I havent update this blog for a while. I have played quite much lately but I think this week im gonna get some break about pokah. FTOPS is coming and I think im gonna play a lot in autumn so break now will be good idea.
Yesterday I played pokerstars 100k guaranteed. Tournament cost that 11$ and its pretty easy to got money on that tourney. I made some very bad play whick turn out to be great play when I was eliminated. Well not great play cause I get knocked out but hear me now. I was also playing like 4 tables at the same time while I was playing that guaranteed tourney. I didnt keep much concentrate to that tournament and that cost my whole tournament after playing great poker over 2hours. Tournament window open up to me and I just saw that I have to call someones all-in only with 2k in BB when my stack was 22k and blinds were sum like 200/400. I made quick call and then I saw that there were one player after me who had raised 6k earlier. He folds and actually I had just made 22k call so I was all-in with pair of sevens!!!! OMG! I was so confused that it was so unreal. Well after all pot was like over 64k and villain turns out J4o!!! I was what the fuck there is going on!!?? Flop was K54. Turn was 4. River was 2. So fucking sick what a idiot donkey.
I think that episode a lot after tournament was over. My play were "right" cause I had better hand that he had, but what the fuck is wrong with my concentrate. Multitabling a lot and then I am in good mood in that tournament and all hard work has just blown up in few seconds! I tilted and head to Stars PLO-table with 20$ that I won. 10min playing in PLO and I had 80$. I said ty and then I went sleeping.
That pokerstars 100k tourney is pretty good for me. Level is pretty weak and 10min blinds makes it semi-turbo tournaments which is also good for me. First hour there are lots of crazy plays and you just got to be calm then. Soon after first break all sit-out guys are out of tournament and play begins. Its so easy to get money from that tournament. One minus from that tournament is that its only 11$ and u have to get to place 117 or up cause under that u get less then 200$. Final table is awasome with those 4-digit payments. First place is 20k! But also 11$ buy-in is good thing cause all the fishes comes in that tournament. 20k in it includes lots of donkaments and moronments and fishments.
So I definetely gonna play that tournament in next sunday and most likely I play also poker in this week but not so much then other days in past summer.