Just fking bad day. I dunno. Im not sure did I lost so much cause of my bad plays or cause of those outdraw idiots. I have played very very much today and I lost little bit over $140. I can admit that I wasnt playing my A-game but mostly cause of sick outdraws.
I finished todays sessions 30min ago when my JJ wasnt holding against 33 when we pushed all-in when flop was 528. Turn was A and river of course 4. Sicko $100 pot.
Afternoon I played three sit & go´s. Two of them were 22+2 and one of was 33+3. I get KO in 33 with my AK against A8, and in 22+2 I pushed with AQ in BB and opponent called with 7Ko and river was 7. Just fucking bullshit this hole day. Lots of grinding and lots of losing. Actually that losing isnt bothering me so much cause I can easily filled that out in next two days. Just gotta keep playing shorter sessions and keep focusing what im doing for.
Also gotta mention one thing that isnt including in poker at all. PUSSYCAT DOLLS are coming in Finland!! Gig is on October and tickets are availeble to buy since next wed. Nicole is coming!! So awasome. My future ex-wife! Hhhhhhh-hot-hot-hot-hot!!!!
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